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How to integrate conversion tracking with TrackingDesk
How to integrate conversion tracking with TrackingDesk
Written by Admin
Updated over a week ago

Step #1 - Create your postback URL

Log into your PropellerAds Advertiser Account, click the Tracking section

Your PropellerAds postback URL is created automatically.

Step #2 - Add Propeller Ads as your traffic source on TrackingDesk

Log in to your TrackingDesk account, click Traffic Sources and choose the Create a new Traffic Source tab below.

Now you can pull the drop-down menu in the CHOOSE PREDEFINED section and select PropellerAds.

TrackingDesk will pre-populate all the PropellerAds tokens accordingly.

Prior to adding your PropellerAds postback URL in TrackingDesk, you need to modify the custom ID used to track conversion.

Default Postback URL provided by PropellerAds:

Replace ${SUBID} with *TS_var_1*

Updated Postback URL:

  • Copy / Paste the Postback URL to your TrackingDesk account

  • Activate the pixel

Step #3 - Generate the postback URL on TrackingDesk

To get notified about conversions from affiliate network you need to generate the Postback URL on TrackingDesk containing the "CLICK ID" and add it to an affiliate network panel.

TrackingDesk has an ecosystem of affiliate networks and technologies integrations, so you shouldn’t have difficulties integrating your affiliate network.

For more information, please refer TrackingDesk Guide to find out how to add affiliate networks, offers and generate the postback URLs or contact the TrackingDesk support team.

Once you have integrated your affiliate network, you can build your first campaign.

If you are experiencing any problems - contact your affiliate network support team.

Step #4 - Set up the Campaign on TrackingDesk

Click the Campaigns tab and select Create a new Campaign

Define which traffic source the campaign is being set up for and define additional campaign settings such as Geo Target, Category, and fallback options.

Campaign settings:

  • Traffic Source

  • Campaign Settings: The settings you define affect the search and select fields as well as the fallback options.

  • Affiliate Network(s) - Allows you to select which Affiliate Networks can be included in the campaign. It affects the search / select fields

  • Geo Target - You can select Global, several countries or only one.

  • Category - Select one, many categories or leave open

  • Fallback option - Select which option you want to activate (random leave open)

  • Search & Select: The fields are preloaded according to your campaign settings

  • Refine the Search to include

  • Landing Pages

  • Direct Links

  • Search: The system will return a list of assets matching the campaign settings

  • Select one or many assets and Add them to the campaign.

  • Landing Pages & Paths: If you have included landing pages in your campaign, you will need to define the call to actions with the offer links

Once you’ve finished setting up your campaign’s destination paths click Save Campaign.

TrackingDesk will generate a Campaign URL

  • You can select which Custom Tracking Domain to use

  • The Campaign URL is built with all the PropellerAds tracking tokens

You can also check the integration with the tracker in the Tracking section of your PropellerAds account.

  1. Navigate to the Tracking section

  2. Add the TrackingDesk campaign URL

  3. Click the Check URL button

4. Check the conversion tracking
a. Click the Banner
b. You will navigate to a page where to click on another banner
c. Generate a test conversion
d. TrackingDesk will fire the PropellerAds postback URL

Check if the conversion was recorded by PropellerAds

Step #5 - Set up the Campaign on Propeller Ads

Log in to your PropellerAds advertiser account, click the Campaigns tab and then Create Campaign button (or edit one of your existing campaigns).

Paste the Campaign URL with all parameters from TrackingDesk campaign settings and paste it as Target URL for your campaign on PropellerAds.

If you are experiencing any problems setting up the S2S conversion tracking - please contact us via the Support tab in your account.

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