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How long does it take to approve new ad campaigns?
How long does it take to approve new ad campaigns?
Written by Admin
Updated over 11 months ago

Before the campaign starts, it should go through several stages.
Every time you launch a new campaign or change an existing one, your campaign is sent to moderation.
Draft is status for additional editing. Once a campaign is created, it can be saved in this mode.

Check all campaign elements for compliance with the PropellerAds rules (text, images, links, etc.). Once you have finished all the campaign settings, click the Start button.

You can start your campaign from the Statistics page.

One more option to start the campaign is to do it from the Campaign creation page.

After the start, the campaign will be passed to a Moderation mode. During the campaign creation, you may choose if the campaign can be started automatically right after the moderation, or you can start it manually after the moderation at a time that will be convenient for you.

Campaigns are reviewed by our moderators in chronological order manually, one by one, on a first-come-first-served basis. The moderation process can take from a few minutes to a few hours. (in some cases, up to 24 hours). During the moderation process, your campaign is not editable, and it's not possible to cancel it.

​After moderation, you can see if your campaign has been approved or rejected by the policy team.
If it is approved, you will receive a notification in the account about it (if you have notifications enabled) and will also see that it has started or is waiting to be started on the Statistics page.

​If the campaign is rejected, you will receive a notification about it (if you have them enabled), and you will also see the campaign status on the statistics page.

You can see the reject reason and URL which led to violation by pressing the question mark next to the campaign status. You may check it again to see if the campaign fits the policies and send it to moderation again.

It is possible to stop the campaign anytime you need. In this case, the status will be changed to 'Stopped.'

If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please contact us via live chat or email at

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