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Interstitial Templates
Paola avatar
Written by Paola
Updated over 10 months ago

The Interstitial ad format usually looks like an extensive image that slightly appears over the website content after loading a page. Inside the PropellerAds platform, this ad format can be customized with the help of the Templates. Currently, the PropellerAds platform has 6 customizable Templates for the Interstitial banners. In this article, we will describe each of them so it will be convenient to decide which will suit your campaign.

The reasons to use Interstitial Templates

  • Trying different Interstitial Templates may improve and diversify the process of testing new offers.

  • Interstitial Templates help to stand out and draw more attention to the ads.

  • User engagement can be improved with the help of Interstitial Templates (according to our inner tests, the CTR and quantity of conversions are growing when you use the Templates).

Where can you find the Interstitial Templates in the PropellerAds platform?

To access the option to choose the Template, you should:
1. Log into the PropellerAds account
2. Click on the "Create campaign" button
3. Choose an Interstitial ad format

4. Expand the menu under the interstitial ad section

5. Choose the Template that you want to include in your campaign

That's it!
A preview of each Template will be available on the right side of the campaign creation page once you choose the Template option. The Templates are available for all pricing models of the Interstitial Ad Format.

Interstitial Templates: which one to choose?

PropellerAds' Templates for the Interstitials are:

  • Prize

  • Image

  • Classic

  • Landing

  • Animated Message

  • Message.

Below are the descriptions of each Interstitial Template so you can decide which one you can choose for the campaign.

1. Prize

The Prize animated Template was designed for verticals that offer a prize or some piece of content to the user (such as Sweepstakes, iGaming, and Content-on-demand.)

It looks very natively, close to mobile operating system messages.
On this Template, you have a space for a title, the name of the prize, and an image. You can customize the banner, title, and part of the description(prize name). Button, colors, placement, animation, and part of the description text (You’ve got a chance to win) are predefined.

Once the creative is ready, the user will see multiple pictures of the award(which you can upload yourself) floating around. Animation catches users' attention, and the native looks of the message box can motivate them to click.

Preview of the Prize Template

​​2. Image

The only option that this Template has for customization is an image.
The Image Template doesn’t require text. It’s universal, so it works equally for all verticals and GEOs.

The only thing to remember while using this Template is to have two images ready — for mobile devices and desktops.

Preview of the Image Template

​3. Classic

Classic is the oldest Interstitial Template of PropellerAds. The Classic Template contains an image banner and 1 line of description. It requires two things to be customized here: an image and a title.

Сlassic Template already has a predefined style, text format, and placement.

It is the oldest but the most proven Interstitial Template so it can be used for any vertical.

Preview of the Classic Template

4. Landing Template

The Interstitial Landing Template provides maximum visibility because the Landing Page is displayed over the main page. Interstitial Landing Template Ad includes an input field that allows you to use the link to your landing page as a creative. This way, your landing page content will be shown inside the Interstitial window. You don’t need new creatives for the campaign - a Landing Page URL will be used instead.
The Landing Template will enable you to use different landing pages as creative and target URLs (in a classic scheme, it’s always the same URL). And there will be no problem if they’re the same. The campaign should still work usually.

The best verticals for this Template are Utilities, Extensions, Software, Sweepstakes, and Dating (but it is not restricted to use it with other verticals too)

5. Animated Message

This Template might look similar to a Prize Interstitial Template, but Animated Message has more customization options. You can add two images to the Animated Message Template. An Icon will be shown as a static image, and a Landscape image will be used in animation. You can add a Title and Description like with the Prize Template, but there is also a customizable Button text, which can replace the standard ‘Continue’ with your own text.

Preview of the Animated Message Template

6. Message

Message Template looks very similar to the Animated Message Template, with the only difference being that it is not animated. You can add one static image to the Template, create a title and a description, and change a Button text.
With this Template, it is possible to upload Icons and Big Image Landscape pictures.

This Template is also universal and suits every type of offer and campaign. Using different images and texts, you can make it work for all verticals — including Utilities, Sweepstakes, and iGaming.

Preview of the Message Template

Tips for using the Interstitials templates:

  • PropellerAds supports these image formats for the creatives: JPG, PNG, and GIF.

  • It is not possible to combine several Templates in one campaign, so you must create a separate campaign for each Template.

  • Different Templates may have different recommended sizes for Interstitials, so it's better to check them on the campaign creation page preliminary.

  • Please consider the landing page size while creating the campaign with the Landing Template. Google has restrictions for Heavy Ads, so if we can’t show them in the Chrome browser – the pages will be rejected during the moderation due to their size.

  • Since the mechanism for the Landing Template is almost similar to Popunders, you can launch the campaign with this Template together with OnClick Popunders.

  • While using the Prize Template, you should enter only the name of your gift in the description field, not the whole sentence.

  • The default text for the Prize Template is automatically translated into the language of your user’s browser (The translations are available for Arabic, Chinese Mandarin Simplified, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, and Thai.)

    ​PropellerAds continues developing fresh Interstitial Templates with a new level of performance, so if you haven't tried them yet, it's high time to do this!

    If you need any assistance, please contact our Support Team via live chat or e-mail

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